A few fun conversations with my 3 year old

Here are some fun conversations between me and LP: Conversation #1: Setting: At the park.  I am sitting on a platform on the playground that is about chest-high for LP – he needs to boost himself up with his hand to climb up. LP: Mommy, let’s get down and play! Me: OK (hops down) LP: … More A few fun conversations with my 3 year old

Toddler Tuesday: Large (well, still small) and in charge

Vegan Goodness: Today we ate . . . Breakfast: Green smoothies for Dad and LP.  Then Mom finally got up and made waffles. Lunch: The last of Thanksgiving leftovers.  LP got the rest of his burrito from yesterday too. Mom and Dad ate some homemade chocolate fudge while the kids were asleep. Dinner: Carrot-ginger soup, … More Toddler Tuesday: Large (well, still small) and in charge